Friday, November 15, 2013

My Application Never Reached Unity!

It has been a week since I finished my application and I still haven't heard anything. So I called Unity. The CR there explained the screen I should have gotten that would indicate that my application should have gone through. It's this one:

I told her I got that screen and that I had no luck with the button. So she gave me a phone number to call for people who have gone all the way through and then failed.

So I'm calling that now.


Hmmm.... I called it. They said they don't help consumers.

So, I called the 1-800-318-2596. The first operator could see my 2 applications but said her system wasn't working. So I called a second time and got an operator who could see my two applications and when he clicked on the right one just got a blank screen.

So, seems I'm back to square 1. At least HIRSP should be extended.... I might just take advantage of that.


  1. Mark,
    Any luck? Call the main number and see if your account data got jumbled with someone in another state. That's what happened to me. Mine still isn't resolved. No one knows if I have insurance or not. II think the media needs to be alerted to cases like ours.

  2. When I called last Friday, they weren't able to get into my account. I don't think it reached Unity because the person there said she would call me if the application came through.


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